Free retail marketing calendar template

Boost your sales with our free retail marketing calendar


Life as an independent business can be overwhelming. More often than not, you’ll find yourself juggling lots of different roles at once, and not necessarily feeling like you’re on top of any of them.

Flourish Founder smiling and carrying a Flourish tote bag on her shoulder

But what if things were different?

What if you had one document that could help you plan out your business activities through the whole year, so you know what you need to be preparing, doing or analysing at any one time – rather than always reacting or guessing?

What if knowing what to post on social media became simple, because you know what promotions you have coming up and what to hold back for later?

Yep, you guessed it – that’s a retail marketing calendar we’re talking about, and this one’s yours for FREE!

Sign up for your free template and get Flourish Spotlight, our regular dose of retail (merchandising) therapy, delivered straight to your inbox.

The retail marketing calendar template helps you plan your activity through the year

See what you need to be preparing, doing, or analysing at any set time.

Plan when to run markdowns or promotions and when to launch new products.

Know which products to focus your social media and other marketing on.

Understand when (and maybe even why) your sales have peaks and troughs.

View the sales you expect to take this year, and what you made last year.

Make the most of those quieter times to work on new products and stock.

And all this means more sales – plus more profit in your pocket.

What’s in the free template?

  • three options for how you want to work with dates – choose between calendar year (Jan-Dec), tax year (Apr-Mar) or fiscal year (Sep-Aug)

  • pre-loaded useful dates like school holidays, pay dates, key UK dates like Christmas and Mother’s Day, events like Wimbledon, and big days in retail, like Black Friday and Cyber Monday

  • space to input your sales plan, last year’s sales plan and the variance between the two

  • space to plan launch activity

  • space to identify core categories or brands to focus on at a given time

  • space to plan social media and other marketing

  • extra space for notes!

What are you waiting for?

Sign up for your free template and get Flourish Spotlight, our regular dose of retail (merchandising) therapy, delivered straight to your inbox.